I studied Economy with as specialism Computing Science. I have more than 20 years of experience in IT working in the Telecoms and Internet sector.
I have a lot of experience working in projects. This experience is both in small projects as big and complex projects. I have performed roles in practically every aspect of IT development. E.g. defining requirements and specifications, organising and implementing supplier selections and fulfilling “demand management” towards IT organisations for development and implementation.
I have in-depth experience (both national as international) with billing environments, from usage processing to invoice layout and production.
In my previous job as Project Portfolio Manager at XS4ALL, I was responsible for translating business priorities into an IT project development calendar and for the management of that development calendar.
I am a Business Consultant that can be asked for both ICT subject matter roles as well as ICT management roles with respect to development. My drive and passion is to develop innovative IT results that are important for the client. I like to take the role of catalyst and brainstorm partner for both business as ICT. In that role I think from both sides how to get optimal results. I follow up by realising the mutually agreed target working according to the mutually agreed method.