Premium DMBOK Course

9 and 14 oktober in Schiphol Rijk Premium employees focused on Data Management Body of Knowledge, in short DMBOK. This we did led by Mark Leidekker of Data Kitchen. Mark led us through this broad informative matter with extra attention on the points that are of importance for the certification. After having led us through […]

Premium 20 years !

This year Premium celebrates 20 years of being around ! During a meeting of collegues in june specially designed petit-fours were tested during a BBQ outside the new office. WeCanteen had arranged a tasty Green-egg BBQ diner. The weather was super and the cooled drinks were very well appreciated. A good start for 20 years […]

Premium has migrated to a new address.

Last week it happened.. After a thorough preparation we moved to our new premises. De Gondel 1, 1186 MJ  Amstelveen, the Netherlands Before we went over we executed some cleaning-iterations. E.g. our old IT equipment has been rationalised and the administrations from before 2011 have been destroyed. After the last cleaning iteration was ready the […]